Friday, 28 August 2015


28th August 2015

Why stargazing? I like the notion of it. I adore the calmness it brings, the relief to the soul, the antidote to a light-headed mind etc etc. haha shan't fool around too much. But look!

My bucket list: ( √ ) to visit the aurora borealis

I used to blog when I was in Secondary school, stopped because I lost that will for writing and updating my then-mundane life. I wanted to regain my blogging habit in JC (I like to take down entrees of what I've done, my thought process at different times in my life, so on and so forth such that I can track the progress of how far I've come) but JC kept my flair of writing low and turned my attention to A levels. Hence here I am, third year in uni, blogging again after eternity (just y'know, 4 years).  

There are a lot to update and a lot to not update and in the middle of it all, some things I don't know that I should update. Alright getting pretty bs around here. Guess you can tell my state of mind while typing this out LOL. oh and yes, 'lol' is still pretty widely used in this age. This post is actually just to test out the new blog template that I've 'customised'. Apparently as evidently as can be, please do not criticise my lack of creativity at this point in time. 

I've tons to do yet I chose to spend my time here, geez. 
The slight edge man, the slight edge. 
Shall update another time and ramble again when I'm in the mood ha!

Bye thee!

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